Did you give Grandma a Computer?
When I first got my computer, I talked to my kids several times a day to "fix" something. They quickly lost patience with me, and I had to learn my way into computer use. I now have 7 computers including a few laptops and desktops, some are PC based. One is Windows 10, 2 are Win 11. And I had several XP machines that are now happily chugging away on Linux Mint. I still have a lot to learn, but Linux is fabulous. I even have an Android tablet.
My 94 year old father is communicating regularly by email, with attachments and all, Zoom, and he even keeps tax data on the machine. I know how tough the learning experience is. I can sit down one-on one with someone to help them get past the fears they have about dealing with the internet and email. I can help them with all the little problems they may have. To further qualify myself, I was never an IT professional, so I would be of little help for a real disaster, but i can be very helpful for the very annoying early part of the learning curve, and Grandma could be on line downloading your pictures in a few short hours. Just contact me here |